How to start earning money on Blogger! (100% Free and easy) 2023

Looking to make some extra cash with Blogger? Look no further! Here are some tips on how to get started with earning money on this popular blogging platform. Please continue reading this blog post to figure out how to set up an Adsense account for Blogger.

(Note: We have specified the requirements for Google to accept ads on your website, this info is displayed at the bottom of this page. Continue reading to figure out why Adsense might have rejected your website.)

How to start earning money on Blogger!

How to set up a Blogger account:

  • Sign in using Google

  • Create a name for your website

  • Choose a template for your website

  • Create an address for your website

  • Pretty much it. Now let's get to Adsense!

How to set up an Adsense account:

  • Sign in using Google
  • Make sure your payment option is connected on Google (Credit/Debit/Paypal etc.)

  • Connect your blogger URL address to Adsense

  • Follow their instructions

  • Enable auto ads

  • And that's it. But wait! There's more.

How to connect your blogger account to your Adsense account:

  • On Blogger, go to settings and scroll down to Monetization, enable this feature and type in this code:, pub-00000000000, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

(Note: You must make sure to include your publisher ID so Google can include ads on your website)

  • On Adsense, your publisher ID is located in the account information
(Note: You can find your publisher ID on the Earnings page too)

  • On Blogger, to test out if your Ads.txt is working, go to the search bar and type this:

(Note: It's your website URL and put in /Ads.txt at the end, then after that, press enter and it will redirect to a blank page with your ID shown above)

  • Wait for a few days for Google Adsense to reply

In conclusion, despite how easy this is to set up your blogger account with AdSense enabled, you need to make sure you have the knowledge to understand the basics of setting up the themes of your website and modifying them to give it a professional look. It's important to look around and play with the features that Blogger offers. Trust me, we've done the same thing before, though, we do make sure our Blogger website is clean, navigatable and up-to-date.

What are the specific requirements that must be met for a blogger website to be accepted by Adsense?

  • On Blogger, you must have at least 15 blog posts, 2 pages and a modified theme for your website
  • Your URL address for your website is connected to your Adsense account

  • You must have unique and interesting content
  • You have to be 18 years old or older
  • Your website has to comply with Google Policies

  • Make sure all your blogs have an effort put into it

  • If Google has rejected your website, make sure to read the issues, fix them and resend it back to Google Adsense

Here is a video that will guide you to success:

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