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Why should you contact us?

  • Report a mistake or issue with one of our blogs

If we had made grammatical mistakes, incorrect information or lack of content being displayed in our blogs.

By reporting this issue to us and giving additional information that could provide a piece of a better answer, we will do our best to resolve these issues and include the answers you have put out on our blogs.

Doing so, we will give you a shout-out on our page. (Optional)

  • Request ideas or include topics we haven't mentioned in our blogs

If you want to request something that should be shown in our blogs but you personally want to have your idea displayed on our website? Provide your ideas by;

  1. Include a good or catchy title
  2. Provide sources and images to your topic
  3. Provide factual evidence and information about your topic
  4. Have at least 500 or more words on your topic
  5. Share your ideas in our email/Google form and we will give you a shout-out (Optional)

However, we will not include the following topics that could disrupt our advertisers and our main goal of educating others on the web by;

  1. Promoting hate speech ๐Ÿ‘Ž
  2. Promoting pornography ๐Ÿ‘Ž
  3. Promoting sensitive topics ๐Ÿ‘Ž
  4. Promoting illegal websites๐Ÿ‘Ž
  5. Promoting harmful content of any kind๐Ÿ‘Ž
  6. etc.
This goes against our affiliate's Terms of Service and will cause them to stop displaying ads on our Blogger website.

  • Report issues with our ads

If our ads are disrupting your viewing experience? We have the tools to reduce the number of ads, however, this will disrupt our earnings and reduce the number of blogs published due to this.

If our ads are displaying inappropriate or illegal content? Report this issue by sending us an image with the name of the ad and we will do our best to block them from entering our website ever again.

© Insightful Minds Media 2023

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